To facilitate the development and implementation of an education, training and demonstration program to improve the understanding of environmental protection principles by manure/compost haulers, equipment operators, CCAs and crop producers.
- Assess the current level of environmental knowledge of custom manure/compost haulers and the extent of training provided to equipment operators.
- To establish a solid foundation for this project, a survey instrument will be developed by AgriLife Extension and TCFA.
- Manure and compost company representatives will be given the option of completing the survey in writing or via a phone conversation with project personnel.
- A summary of the survey results will be used as guidance for the second objective below.
- A post-project survey will also be conducted to measure levels of implementation.
- Design and develop an environmental training curriculum for custom manure/compost hauler owners, equipment operators, CCAs and crop producers, including materials in Spanish.
- Project will develop a training curriculum tailored to the current business relationship that exists between feedyard, manure/compost companies and crop producers.
- For the first time, equipment operators will have access to concise and specific information, in English and Spanish, outlining the key concepts for environmental management and water quality protection.
- Promote adoption of sound water quality protection practices by custom manure/compost haulers, equipment operators and crop producers.
- There are a variety of BMPs to consider when applying manure and compost to the land. BMP recommendations will be compiled and discussed with manure/compost company owners and equipment operators.
- Practices eligible for financial assistance.
- Different considerations, where appropriate, for compost vs. manure will be identified.
- Utilize workshops, field days and hands-on demonstration of best management practices and ensure availability of education materials through website.
- The internet contains an extensive volume of information on manure and compost. Unfortunately, the credibility and source of the information is not always known. In addition, the time required for a manure/compost company owner or employee to decipher the information can be excessive.
- Hands-on training and demonstration of BMPs, in conjunction with field-collected data, will be used to develop a strong and successful education program.